// Each entry must have 5 numbers seperated by a space. // The first three numbers are the X Y Z coordinates of where the camera sits. // The 4th and 5th numbers are the PITCH and YAW of the cameras angles and is the direction that it points. // To easily get camera angles, fly around the map and type "spec_pos" in the console. // The console will return the 5 numbers that you need to paste into your entry below. // More cameras is better. "Cameras" { "A ninja to Cat" "1417.9 2732.1 372.2 30.9 -152.6" "A ninja to Long" "1473.5 3000.0 260.7 15.0 -105.1" "A to CT Spawn" "1522.0 2104.0 362.0 32.1 153.0" "A from Cat" "302.0 2007.0 297.0 21.4 56.0" "A barrels" "1564.1 2834.1 304.0 20.1 -134.2" "DD long" "536.2 1187.2 263.7 26.8 -43.6" "T spawn" "-375.5 -650.1 264.9 20.8 -138.7" // "T spawn 2 tuns" "-2045.2 -868.6 386.2 29.5 43.8" "T to DD" "-463.7 -1032.5 263.1 12.4 90.0" "Tunnels" "-2028.0 1043.0 125.0 5.4 63.4" "Tunnels2" "-2035.6 1028.4 134.7 4.7 73.9" "Tunnels3" "-1097.4 1058.5 203.9 20.6 152.1" "Tunnels4" "-1204.9 1517.8 15.9 14.4 -34.6" "Mid to SS" "-465.9 1595.7 98.5 12.7 -68.2" "Mid Catwalk" "-589.9 1409.7 217.1 22.7 -17.7" "Mid Catwalk2" "-410.5 1170.8 247.2 39.6 65.0" "Mid" "-593.3 675.4 235.0 22.5 -36.5" "B from tuns" "-2110.9 1811.2 269.9 30.9 52.0" "B back" "-2061.0 2902.0 389.1 37.8 -46.8" "B 2" "-1991.7 2492.1 255.3 20.3 -53.3" "B3" "-1919.7 1856.3 427.2 39.3 63.3" "DD from CT" "-352.0 2418.0 115.9 21.1 -130.4" "Catwalk" "-483.8 1496.0 228.0 20.2 -41.1" "T to Long" "773.3 -319.8 219.9 26.7 143.0" "Pit long" "1479.6 729.9 197.7 20.4 114.2" "Pit" "1603.5 1183.5 240.0 22.6 -138.3" "CT spawn" "347.5 2225.9 -34.7 19.7 114.0" "B window" "-1216.7 2728.3 437.1 43.8 -130.3" "B tuns" "-1613.9 2150.2 250.9 29.0 -126.6" // "B to CT" "-1206.1 2367.0 36.1 2.9 -23.2" "DD from CT" "-409.6 2390.5 -85.1 -10.8 -82.0" "DD to CT" "-613.3 1987.9 -34.6 8.0 38.9" }